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A Guide To Solar Thermal Water Heating

Solar thermal water heating is an excellent, contemporary approach to heating water. Not only is it a carbon-neutral method, but it also has low running costs. What’s more, solar thermals are low maintenance and can be a great investment for your property. Keep reading to find out more about this innovative technology.

How Does Solar Thermal Water Heating Work

Solar thermal water heating is a modern method that absorbs the sun’s energy to heat water. Despite popular belief, solar thermal systems work all year around, even during the winter months. However, for maximum potential, the solar collectors must be installed in an unshaded area. Additionally, this heating method is incredibly cheap to run and can help to reduce your carbon footprint.

Solar Thermal Water Heating And Your Home

There’s a few details you need to consider before installing a solar thermal system. Although this approach is an eco-friendly, cost-effective heating option, it can be expensive up front. Therefore you need to make sure you’re making an informed decision. 

First and foremost, you need to consider if your property has enough space for the hot water cylinder. Solar thermal systems require a specific solar cylinder to store and supply water, so it’s important you have the capacity to stow this.

Next, you need to ask yourself how much sunlight your property gets. If your property rarely gets the sun, a solar thermal system may not be suitable for your home. However, if your home has a suntrap or two, it could be a wonderful addition. Solar thermal water systems should be kept out of the shade as much as possible for optimal, consistent performance.

Caring For Your Solar Thermal System

An advantage of solar thermal water heating is that it requires little maintenance. However, for optimal performance, it should be serviced once per year. This will ensure the system is functioning effectively. It will also help to detect or catch any faults before they develop or begin to cause problems. Depending on your provider, your warranty can be invalidated if you fail to have an annual service.

Solar Thermal Water Heating

Solar Thermal Maintenance And Servicing

For solar thermal maintenance and servicing, look no further than AB Engineering. We specialise in affordable solar thermal servicing to ensure your system is cared for and lasts as long as possible. For more information, contact our helpful team today.

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